Friday, July 24, 2009

Grandma & Grandpa Clausen Camping trip Summer 2009

Grandma & Grandpa graciously picked Soren up on Thursday and took him to the coast for some alone time. Which worked out wonderfully because mom and dad got some alone time too. A rare comodity these days. They took the baby and treated us to a night out to dinner. Although we missed our sweet boy, we enjoyed every second. Thanks mom and dad!!! I think the windy beaches were our only rough patch of camping, the rest was wonderful! We all had our highlights, but since I'm the one who runs the blogspot, I'll share mine... please feel free to add yours too!!!

One of my favorite things is star gazing. Although I dont know much. BUT! To see the milky way dust and spiral curve of the galaxy is always a humbling and welcome view. As a bonus, we all got to watch the space station as it crossed the night sky. We weren't quite sure at first what exactly it was. When it dawned on us, we just watched in silent amazement as it passed by. AMAZING!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

that stuff about stargazing is AWESOME.