Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Merry Christmas ~ The Clausens 2008


There certainly isn't a shortage of toys at the Clausen home! Thanks Grandma and Granpa's!

Aunt Toni and Chris

Aunt Toni and Chris stopped by for dinner, wine, boardgames and presents!

Talking on Chris's phone

Huh? Yeah, that's what I said - Sell for 5!

Snowball eating contest


Artic Blast

Portland received a foot of snow right before Christmas. The town pretty much shuts down with 2-3 inches of snow, so you can imagine how 12" effected us. Both mine and Nate's work closed for 3 days. Chains were required to drive on any city road and highways. Supposedly, there were police officers watching and giving citations to those who didn't chain up. Portland must only have 1 gravel truck and 2 plows because almost all roads were left untouched, making driving very challenging. Even the Tri-met buses were getting stuck everywhere. Here is a picture of one right up the road from us. Boy! Did the news crews have fun predicting and broadcasting the "Arctic Blast" every single second, of every hour, of every day ~ on EVERY channel.

Building a snowman

Soren had a great time helping put the snowman together. And was very proud to point out the snowmans eyes and nue (nose).

Happy Dance

Grammy brought Soren some new slippers, which he LOVED! He even did a happy dance around the kitchen to show them off.

Grammy and Grandpa Clausen

Grammy and Grandpa came to visit the weekend before Christmas and were able to 'enjoy' our lovely weather. They almost got snowed in an extra day in Portland!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We got 4 inches of snow on Sunday! A couple of snowflakes to you Montanans, but a huge winter event for Portlanders. Soren had a blast playing outside. We didn't stay out long because it was really cold, but stayed long enough to capture some adorable pictures. He loved the snowball that Daddy made for him. So much so that he had to take it inside. Even when the chill from the snowball became too much to bear, he still couldn't part with it. Lucky for Soren, we are expecting another 4 inches of snow/freezing rain before tomorrow night. Which garuantees that he will have enough snow to make snowballs for days to come.